Jane Austen and textiles

U.K. Janeite Christopher Sandrawich sends me this link to the blog Textile Stories: The Fabric of Everyday Life. It’s the work of four talented women who all have either professor or doctor in their titles.

Chris had received an email from one of the women, Professor Deborah Wynne, a lecturer at Chester University and like Chris a member of the Jane Austen Society. She asked his help in promoting the blog with this message:

“Please have a look and forward the http details to your members if you think there will be an interest. We’re exploring all aspects of textiles, sewing, knitting, weaving, fashion, costume, costume drama, etc. … and welcome contributions. I’d be delighted if anyone wants to write about the textiles they’ve seen at Chawton House, perhaps Jane Austen’s patchwork quilt? Equally, I’m happy for people to contribute their thoughts on the costumes in Austen adaptations.”

Like Chris, I’m clueless about the fiber arts, but I know several Janeites who would probably find this fascinating. I direct attention to this posting, Jane Austen, Needlework and Dress, which talks about Jane’s own skills at needlework and dressmaking.

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