Website updates
My apologies if you reach this website and find the layout askew. I’m experimenting with the design and most significantly making the blog the home page of the website (actually taking to heart some of the advice I’m giving in my tutorials). So some links may not work or the text may go trailing off the edge of your screen, never to be seen again.
You may also experience the occasional typographic faux pas and missing picture, for which I most humbly apologize.
Most of these changes are being implemented so that I no longer need use Dreamweaver to make changes to the website but can instead use WordPress to create articles. The other major change allows WordPress to more fully use the width of the browser window. Now as you resize the browser, the wider the page is allowed to spread. Also, sections such as the glossary and the links are being turned into WordPress pages, so if you have links to those sections, they will shortly be lost. All those pages will be available through the Categories menu in the right-hand sidebar.